Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Waiting and Hoping

My heart is overjoyed at the wonderful news of families before us adopting!!! God is gracious in His timing and mercies, for I can be overcome with tears at the Gotcha Day for my friend.  How wonderful to walk with others on their special journey.  I have not waited well at times, especially when our little guy's birthday came and went.  I didnt know that I would be so sad not to spend it with him: it kind of shocked me.  And to think that we celebrated here with cake and candles and a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday and he doesnt even know about us or that he will be part of our family. So what have I done with my waiting time???? I have prayed for friends that are going through very very tough times - death, cancer and all kinds of uncertainty.  I have read more about just who I am in Christ and the assurances I have through His work!!! I have greatly enjoyed being able to visit with new and old friends. And I have spent a lot of time at the pool with my wonderful boy.
Please pray for us as we continue to wait and fundraise.  We have quite a bit to go - $15,000.